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作者:子鱼 2023-08-18 22:15:25 / 77次阅读

  1. 肖申克的救赎 (The Shawshank Redemption)
  2. 教父 (The Godfather)
  3. 黑暗骑士 (The Dark Knight)
  4. 低俗小说 (Pulp Fiction)
  5. 泰坦尼克号 (Titanic)
  6. 指环王:王者归来 (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)
  7. 星球大战:新希望 (Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope)
  8. 唐顿庄园 (Downton Abbey)
  9. 哈利·波特与魔法石 (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)
  10. 阿甘正传 (Forrest Gump)
  11. 大卫·科波菲尔 (David Copperfield)
  12. 美国往事 (Once Upon a Time in America)
  13. 生命之树 (The Tree of Life)
  14. 盗梦空间 (Inception)
  15. 安娜·卡列尼娜 (Anna Karenina)
  16. 罗马假日 (RomanHoliday)
  17. 这个男人来自地球 (The Man from Earth)
  18. 芝加哥 (Chicago)
  19. 幸福终点站 (The Terminal)
  20. 沉默的羔羊 (The Silence of the Lambs)
  21. 驯龙高手 (How to Train Your Dragon)
  22. 初恋这件小事 (A Little Thing Called Love)
  23. 海豚湾 (The Cove)
  24. 导盲犬小Q (Quill)
  25. 云图 (Cloud Atlas)
  26. 爆裂鼓手 (Whiplash)
  27. 灿烂人生 (La Vita è bella)
  28. 我是山姆 (I am Sam)
  29. 神偷奶爸 (Despicable Me)
  30. 大话西游之月光宝盒 (A Chinese Odyssey Part Two: Cinderella)
  31. 風の谷のナウシカ (风之谷) (Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind)
  32. 树立传统岭南建筑 (Building a Tradition: The Architecture of David Wong, AIA)
  33. 旅行(Travelling)推销员 (The Salesman)
  34. 连锁反应 (Chain Reaction)
  35. 远离尘嚣 (Into the Wild)
  36. 难以置信的人生经历 (Unbelievable Life Experiences)
  37. 赌侠二之神算子李公蕴 (God of Gamblers Returns)
  38. 荆柯刺杀案(The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford)
  39. 重庆森林(Chungking Express)
  40. 一次别离(Brooklyn)
  41. 红磨坊(Moulin Rouge!)
  42. 海盗电视台(Cheongdam-dong Alice)
  43. 欲望城市(2)(Sex and the City 2)
  44. 让爱传出去 (Pay it Forward)
  45. 这个男子来自地球(The Man from Earth )
  46. 大河战士(River of No Return)
  47. 丑女贝蒂(Ugly Betty)
  48. 双人侦探(After the Rain)
  49. 冰雪奇缘(Frozen)
  50. 音乐之声(The Sound of Music)





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